Saturday, April 12, 2008

Media Based Product

My english assignment
Media Based Production
The Box of Robber Board Game

front cover of board game

back cover of board game

the board game

pic- The Box of Robbers

Friday, April 11, 2008


sori bout tat i m no time n lazy to post my blog...^^
pls forgive me ya... hehe

Wa wa... so tired oo.. Not enough sleep..

A bad movie make me can't sleep..
so so lazy...
whole day didn't sleep....
very busy oo.. All bcos of this assignment... HNG.. XD

This is a few pages of my Documentation - Computer Graphic Assignment 2 LAT/Kampung Boy
Make Lat's Comic Alive For 'Lively' education

BY: Adobe Flash

i m sori tat becos cant show u the flash movie.. ^^
Actually not very nice.. hehe